Meet another one of my favorite little men! This little guy is my best friend from growing up's baby and I just adore him. When he was born these guy's were living out of state and I really wanted to go up and meet him and take some pictures but circumstances weren't in my favor and I never made it up. Luckily they moved back when he was 5 weeks old so I didn't have to wait too long to meet him. But because of that he was a bit older than the newborns I am used to shooting. He had no desire to go to sleep for us and was so strong he kept breaking out of my wraps. We got some cute pictures but ran out of sunlight too quickly so we tried again the next week. And we were finally able to get him to sleep and get some adorable sleepy shots of him. He is so stinking sweet I can hardly handle it!
Grandpa even snuck into a few shots!